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Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) is concerned with the protection of tangible and intangible property i.e. it is a "Product of Mind". World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) states that "Intellectual Property" includes rights related to works in literary and artistic fields, performance of artists, broadcasts (in the form of CD, DVD, tape recording etc), innovations in science and technology, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, etc.

IPR helps to promote creativity and innovation among the researchers. IPR protection plays a key role in gaining modest advantage in terms of technological gains for achieving higher economic growth in a market driven economy.

The IPR Cell of our college encompasses faculty experts from various departments and headed by Dr.G.Thilagavathi, Professor & Head, Department of Textile Technology, PSG CT. The objective of the cell is to nurture the spirit of innovation and translate these into useful products, processes, and services for commercial exploitation in wider public domain.